25 July 2009

Cradle Mountain - Dove Lake Circuit

Chuck, Linda and I decided to to the "2 hour stroll" arround the Dove Lake Circuit. After we had gone about one quarter of the way around to the lookout, Linda quite wisely decided that she had had enough and would meet us back at the carpark. It was a wise move. Both Chuck and I struggled around the other side which was quite steep uphill. I had to stop frequently because I was short of breath. Anyway, it was a very scenic walk that took us about 3 hours to do.

Boat shed for recreational canoeing

Weird Succulents

Orchids out of rock face.

Guided uphill track

Currawong (I think)

Twin peaks at South end of Dove Lake

View of lake from South end

One of several beaches along the way

Chuck takes some pictures from the lookout

A good look at the lake from close to the carpark

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