27 July 2009

Morrisons' Huon Pine Sawmill

The only surviving sawmill in Strahan in what was once a burgeoning industry is Morrisons'. It is pretty much run as a tourist facility with the associated Strahan Woodworks being the money spinner. Linda dropped a few coins there with various Huon pine trivets, etc, for home use and gifts for friends. Anyway, they featured an old fashioned log ripping session with a steam driven ripping saw which was the main attraction to me.

This Huon pine log is from a tree that was 600 to 700 years old which was felled in the 60s.

Rail car originally used for moving heavy objects around in the sawmill

Company representative talking about the history of the sawmill and the characteristics of some of the Tasmanian hardwoods.

We were encouraged to have a sniff of Huon pine sawdust because of its "pleasant aroma." Like so many things in life it seems to be an acquired smell.

steam driven ripping saw

ripped plank

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