28 July 2009

Strahan - Ocean Beach

All the locals said that a visit to Ocean Beach a few kilometres north of Strahan was essential. We did that, and even though the weather wasn’t bad, the wind still made the beach pretty wild and woolly. Anyway, the beach was quite scenic.

Path down to beachThe path down to the beach from the car park was fairly smooth.

MacQuarrie Heads in distanceWe can get a good view of the heads from here.

 Protected breeding areaThis is a nice broad beach. The protected nesting areas for the short tailed shearwater (or muffin bird) are in the dunes backing the beach.

 ocean-3This shows the migratory path of the short tailed shear water.

 Comin' back upWe found a more difficult way to come back up from the beach.

 View from carparkOne still has photographic opportunities from the car park.

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