28 July 2009


Oops! I’ve done it again. I have a travel event out of order. On the way from Cradle Mountain to Strahan, we stopped off at the the southern end of the Cradle Mountain-Lake St. Clair National Park at Lake St. Clair. We then went on a stroll on the track to Watersmeet, which is where two streams meet. We then returned to the visitor centre and had a look at the views over Lake St. Clair.


waters-02 Linda leads the way.

waters-01Budding flower

  waters-03fern patch

waters-04Mountain Berry (Cyathodes parvifolia)

waters-05 This is where the two streams meet.

waters-06Silver wattle (Acacia dealbata)

waters-07 Getting to the end of the trail


Some views of Lake St. Claire

waters-08 waters-10


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