30 July 2009

Launceston – Ferry

You will all probably be relieved to know that this is the last posting for our Tasmanian holiday.

Well, our party split up again. Lew dropped me off at the Launceston Airport, and I caught a plane to Melbourne where I bunked down at the Missy/Myles hotel before being picked up the next morning by Linda and Chuck after their overnight ferry ride across Bass Strait.

We then hit the road to Canberra, safely arriving about 8 hours later.

Anyway, this gives you a little notion of Linda and Chuck’s ferry ride.


Linda and Chuck drive west to Devonport for about an hour to board the Spirit of Tasmania

ferry-2vehicles boarding

ferry-3You can’t be too careful.


The ferry has pulled away.


Leaving Devonport behind

ferry-6Linda and Chuck played cards after dinner in the restaurant area until it was time to go to bed. Very surprisingly, when Linda asked her Dad what he most liked about our Tasmanian visit, he said he really enjoyed playing the board games we often played at night.


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