28 July 2009

Donaghy’s Lookout Walk

As we were driving from Queenstown to New Norfolk, we stopped at Franklin-Gordon Rivers National Park to do the Donaghy'’s Lookout Walk. Although the walk was a bit uphill, the views from the lookout were spectacular.

lookout-01We start the long climb.

lookout-02fishbone fern


Buttongrass moorland is very common in western Tasmania. Sheep don’t like it much.


I noticed an attractive wildflower. The photographic opportunity that it presented seemed like a good excuse to stop for a breather while we walking uphill.

lookout-05There is the objective.

lookout-06Linda had decided not to go to the top, but the flies gathered about her, so she decided to keep moving and joined us up at the lookout.


We are almost there.


ne can see that the lookout was built right onto the rock.

Here are some views in different directions.


lookout-10 lookout-11

lookout-12 It is an easier walk down.

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